Альтернативные формулы копирайтинга
Многие из вас знают известную формулу копирайтинга
Attention – захват внимания
Interest – интерес
Desire – желание
Action – призыв к действию.
Вот некоторые альтернативные формулы от лучших копирайтеров мира
Victor Schwab
• Get Attention
• Show People An Advantage
• Prove It
• Persuade People To Grasp This Advantage
• Ask For Action
Robert Collier
• Attention
• Interest
• Description
• Persuasion
• Proof
• Close
Bob Stone
1. Promise your most important BENEFIT in the headline
2. Immediately ENLARGE your most important BENEFIT
3. Tell the reader specifically what he’s going to get (WIIFM)
4. Back up your statement with PROOF and ENDORSEMENTS
5. WARN the reader what might be lost if he doesn’t act
6. Rephrase your prominent BENEFITS in your closing
7. Incite action – NOW
Jay Abraham
• Telegraph your message only to PRIME PROSPECTS
• Attract the attention of your target audience in the headline or opening remarks
• State your proposition or offer
• Use the rest of the ad to DEVELOP, SUPPORT, and PRESENT YOUR OFFER and the REASONS WHY the prospect should embrace it
• Tell your prospect how to take ACTION
Henry Hoke
• Picture
• Promise
• Prove
• Push
Frank Dignan
• Star — An opening that quickly captures the readers imagination
• Chain – A series of facts to change the reader’s casual attention to a real and sustained interest
• Hook – Something to impel the desired action
Gary Halbert
1. Write a fact sheet about your product’s FEATURES
2. Create a BENEFIT list – then prioritize it in order of importance to the prospect
3. Write out your OFFER
4. Craft a HEADLINE that reveals NEWS or the biggest or multiple BENEFITS
5. If more than 2 big benefits – use a sub-heading
6. Reveal who’s writing the letter
7. Insert a salutation – “dear (target subject)” or “Dear Friend”
8. Use the first sentence to reveal what’s in it for the prospect if he reads your letter
9. Elaborate specifically on promises
10. Tell why you’re offering such a great deal
11. Enumerate facts that translate into benefits and list them – 1, 2, 3, 4.
12. Include all believable reasons why you’re selling this product
13. Ask for response and urge hurrying
14. Sign off with “sincerely,”
15. Write a P.S. that gives the prospect a new little wrinkle on one of the hot reasons you’ve already given him as to why he should buy your product NOW
Earl Buckley
• Interest
• Desire
• Conviction
• Action
Robert D. Boduch
Winning Website Sales Letters
How To Create An Opening That Pulls Prospects In… A Message That Sells Them… And An Offer They Simply Can’t Refuse!
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